The Agora

Inverted Bucket Steam Traps - The How, What, & Why

Posted by Athena Supply on

Inverted Bucket Steam Traps - The How, What, & Why
Ever wondered when to use an inverted bucket steam trap and when not to use it? We have you covered there in this helpful blog post about the how, what, & why of inverted bucket steam traps.

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What Is A Steam Trap?

Posted by Athena Supply on

What Is A Steam Trap?

A steam trap is a device designed to trap steam in a pipe, allow it to condense, and remove the condensate and air that would impede the flow of steam.

Steam traps have been in existence for over one hundred years and there are many companies that manufacture them in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and of course TYPES! You can find more out about the manufacturers and traps here,

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