Wilo USA

Smart Solutions in Times of Global Mega-Trends


Wilo is a premium supplier for building services, water management, and industrial applications. Wilo makes complex technologies user-friendly, simple to use, energy-efficient, and high-performance. At the end of the day, the main focus of everything Wilo does is people. Wilo offers outstanding products, system solutions, and services. Founded in Dortmund in 1872 as a factory for copper and brass goods, Wilo has evolved from being a local specialist to a global player in the course of its long and successful history.

Wilo is well-acquainted with the issues that will shape our future, and Wilo is developing technologies to address them. Global mega-trends are having a profound and lasting impact on our lives. As Wilo addresses these trends, their focus remains on globalization, urbanization, climate change, energy scarcity, water shortage, as well as technological progress and digitalization—important issues for your day-to-day work. And this makes them important to Wilo as well.

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